Anatomical and Physiological Features of School Children and Adolescents in the Developmental Period


  • Joldasbayeva Raushan Ataniyaz qizi Teacher of physical education, General education school №27, Mirzo Ulug’bek district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Saparbayev Yesen Tajibayevich Teacher of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute



Physiological, School, Children, Adolescents


From the first years of independence, the President and the state have been creating all conditions and opportunities for the young generation to grow up physically healthy and mentally mature. In order to continue these processes, Uzbekistan is pursuing all stages of the market economy on the basis of noble goals and plans, strong social policy and its own development program. A striking example of this policy is the comprehensive reforms undergone in the health care system. One of its main directions is the new conceptual approaches to the protection of motherhood and childhood, which are aimed at creating all the conditions for the birth and upbringing of a healthy generation.


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How to Cite

qizi, J. R. A. ., & Tajibayevich, S. Y. . (2021). Anatomical and Physiological Features of School Children and Adolescents in the Developmental Period. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 10, 38–42.


