The Role and Importance of Monetary Policy in the Country’s Economy


  • Ibodullaev Abrorzhon Akhrorzhonovich Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Sciences (PhD, Tashkent Financial Institute, Department of Finance)
  • Tursunov Elbek Eshnazar ugli Student, Tashkent Institute of Finance



monetary policy, central bank, commercial banks, refinancing rate, inflation, inflation targeting


This article focuses on the monetary policy pursued by the Central Bank of the country to ensure the stability and efficiency of the money supply and credit sector, the ongoing reforms to improve the monetary system and measures to improve them. dedicated to. This article discusses the main directions of monetary policy, the analysis of existing problems and shortcomings, as well as a number of proposals and recommendations to address the problems and shortcomings in this area and to further improve the system.


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How to Cite

Akhrorzhonovich, I. A. . ., & ugli, T. E. E. . (2022). The Role and Importance of Monetary Policy in the Country’s Economy. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 17, 109–115.


