The Role and Importance of Graphic Sciences in the Training of Competitive Engineers


  • Qahharov Abduraxim Abdubannaevich
  • Jamalov Bakhriddinhuja Ismoilovich



graphic geometry and engineering graphics, spatial imagination, multimedia e-textbook, multimedia e-book, intellectual computer games, virtual detail models, video tutorials, set of assignments


The article describes the importance, tasks and role of the subject "Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics" in the training of competitive personnel in higher education, the role, stages, tools, methods and techniques of developing students' spatial imagination in the organization of education


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How to Cite

Qahharov Abduraxim Abdubannaevich, & Jamalov Bakhriddinhuja Ismoilovich. (2021). The Role and Importance of Graphic Sciences in the Training of Competitive Engineers. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 1, 55–62.


