Performance of Employees Due to Work Conflict at PD Horas Jaya Market, Pematangsiantar City


  • Efendi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung Pematangsiantar, Indonesia
  • Marisi Butarbutar Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung Pematangsiantar, Indonesia
  • Julyanthry Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung Pematangsiantar, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Ramadhan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung Pematangsiantar, Indonesia
  • Katrin Sirait Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sultan Agung Pematangsiantar, Indonesia



Work Conflict, Employee Performance


The purpose of this research is to know the impact of work conflict on employee performance. The approach used in the research design is a qualitative descriptive approach and a quantitative descriptive approach. This study uses a test of validity, reliability, normality, simple linear regression, correlation and determination, t test with the results of the study that is a negative and significant influence between work conflict on employee performance and the level of the relationship being. The amount of the contribution of the communication variable to the performance is 18%. There is a moderate relationship between work conflict variables and employee performance as determined by the correlation coefficient and determination. The t test calculation results show that H0 is rejected, indicating that work conflict has a negative and significant effect on employee performance.


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How to Cite

Efendi, Butarbutar, M. ., Julyanthry, Ramadhan, M. ., & Sirait, K. . (2021). Performance of Employees Due to Work Conflict at PD Horas Jaya Market, Pematangsiantar City. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 9, 1–10.


