Approximate Solution of a Non-Linear System of Equations with Maple Mathematical Packages


  • Isoqova Adiba Shamshidin qizi A Student of Termez State University



Maple mathematical package, system of Nonlinear equations, Newton's method, iteration method, mathematical model


In this article, a sequence of analytical and approximate solutions of a system of Nonlinear equations using the Maple mathematical package is presented, and shows the application of a system of Nonlinear equations, for example, in physical and mechanical processes the problem of numerical solution of problems is considered. It is known that a number of approximate calculation methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations include Newton's method and iteration methods. In this article, a number of specific practical problems have been solved using these methods, an algorithm and a block diagram have been developed, and a program has been developed in the Maple mathematical package. The obtained results were compared with analytical solutions, graphs were used in the form of results, and appropriate conclusions were drawn.


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How to Cite

Shamshidin qizi, I. A. (2021). Approximate Solution of a Non-Linear System of Equations with Maple Mathematical Packages. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 9, 23–28.


