The Role of Attitude, Subjective Norms and Usefullnes on E-Commerce Intention and Behavior
Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Usefulness, Intention and Behavior e-commerceAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine several factors that influence the behavior of S.M.E.s in Madiun City in the use of e-commerce. The use of e-commerce in Madiun City East Java Indoenesia is relatively low; this is due to the common interest of S.M.E.s players in using online media with existing technological developments; it is hoped that S.M.E.s players can be more creative using online sales.This research is quantitative research with data collection techniques through questionnaires distributed to S.M.E.s actors. the population in this study were 500 SME actors in Madiun City.The sample used in the study was 222 SME actors. The data analysis technique used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the test results using data analysis and discussion, the researcher can conclude the following: Attitudes do not affect e-commerce intentions on S.M.E.s in Madiun City. Thus the researcher can conclude that the attitude variable has no significant effect on the intention of S.M.E.s in Madiun City in the use of e-commerce. Subjective norms affect e-commerce intentions on S.M.E.s in Madiun City. Subjective norms prove that there is a significant influence on the intention of S.M.E.s in Madiun City in using e-commerce. Utilization affects the e-commerce intention of S.M.E.s in Madiun City. The utility variable has a significant effect on the intention of S.M.E.s in Madiun City in using e-commerce. Intention to comply with e-commerce behavior in S.M.E.s in Madiun City. The intention variable has a significant positive effect on the behavior of S.M.E.s in Madiun City in the use of e-commerce
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