The Influence of Money Attitude, Brand Image, and Sales Promotion against Compulsive Purchase Credit Card Users in Manado City
Money Attitudes, Brand Image, Sales Promotion, Compulsive BuyingAbstract
Compulsive buying behavior is an urge to buy something uncontrollably which influences a lot of consumers. The role of credit card, Money Attitude, Brand Image, and Sales Promotion to make consumers a compulsive buyer are massive. Individual with a positive attitude towards money will use the money that they have rationally with a sense of time retention and have a price sensitivity when they wanted to buy something. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of money attitudes, brand image, and sales promotion on compulsive buyers of credit card users in the city of Manado. This study uses quantitative methods. Multiple linear regression analysis was used in this study, using a questionnaire which contained 24 statements from 12 indicators. The study was conducted in Manado Town Square (Mantos), for those who have a credit card. The results showed that (1) the variables Money attitudes, brand image, and sales promotion together had a significant effect on the compulsive buying of credit card users in the city of Manado. (2) Money attitudes variable partially has a significant effect on Compulsive Purchases of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (3) The Brand Image variable partially has no significant effect on the Compulsive Purchases of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (3) The Sales Promotion variable partially has a significant influence on the Compulsive Buying of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (2) Money attitudes variable partially has a significant effect on Compulsive Purchases of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (3) The Brand Image variable partially has no significant effect on the Compulsive Purchases of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (3) The Sales Promotion variable partially has a significant influence on the Compulsive Buying of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (2) Money attitudes variable partially has a significant effect on Compulsive Purchases of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (3) The Brand Image variable partially has no significant effect on the Compulsive Purchases of Credit Card users in the city of Manado. (3) The Sales Promotion variable partially has a significant influence on the Compulsive Buying of Credit Card users in the city of Manado.
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