soil, soil solution, anion, cation, concentration, concentration measures, mineral fertilizers, reserve constituentsAbstract
The influence of the concentration of soil solution on the amount of reserve constituents in cotton seeds was studied. As a result of the studies conducted in conditions of irrigated typical gray soils, data were obtained on the effect of the growing medium with different concentrations and chemical compositions of soil solution on the content of protein, fat (lipids), phytin in seeds of cotton variety Namangan-77. The methods were developed to optimize the concentration of soil solution for plant nutrition. The results obtained are of great scientific and practical importance in the study of exchange reactions between soil solution and plant nutrition, in control of this process through the use of fertilizers and soil cultivation technology, in the determination of the effect of the concentration of soil solution on the amount of reserve constituents in cotton seeds, in scientifically substantiated use of fertilizers and in the educational process in higher educational institutions.
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