The Effect of Privatization of State-Owned Joint-Stock Companies in Case of Uzbekistan


  • Erkinov Shahzod Bakhodir o’gli Senior Lecturer of the Department of Corporate Economics and Business Analytics, Tashkent State University of Economics, Islam Karimov, 49, 100003 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Isroilov Izzatbek Dilmurodjon o’g’li Student at the Tashkent State University of Economics faculty of Corporate Economics and Business project management, Islam Karimov, 49, 100003 Tashkent, Uzbekistan



joint-stock company, world economy, shareholders, enterprise, modern world, joint-stock ownership


In the modern world, an important role is played by the world economy, which determines the distribution of benefits between the participants in economic relations, a huge influence on this distribution is exerted by joint-stock companies, which have become a solution to many problems of the world economy and allowed the largest enterprises to receive qualitative development, as well as providing shareholders of these enterprises with the opportunity to increase their own well-being, which leads to multiple changes in the world economy itself. Virtually all state-owned enterprises have a direct impact on people's lives through the services and infrastructure they provide.

Poor governance, incompetent leadership, waste of public funds, corrupt mechanisms and lack of financial sustainability in some state-owned enterprises are often in the public eye, as taxpayer money is used to support these inefficient state-owned enterprises. In this regard, it is important to consider the factors under which privatization can be effective.


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Статистика Узбекистана. Официальный сайт Всемирного банка. [Электронный ресурс]. URL:




How to Cite

o’gli, E. S. B. ., & o’g’li, I. I. D. . (2022). The Effect of Privatization of State-Owned Joint-Stock Companies in Case of Uzbekistan. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 15, 34–41.


