The History of Education in Uzbekistan - General Information
nationalities, preferred, disadvantage, examinations, conducted, primarily, entrance exams, international assistanceAbstract
Education is the process of learning or helping to acquire knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs and habits. Teaching methods include teaching, learning, storytelling, discussion, and focused research. Education is often done under the guidance of teachers, but students can also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings, and any experience that has an impact on his thinking, feeling, or actions is considered educational. The method of teaching is called pedagogy.
M. Johnson, “Library Development in Uzbekistan: progress and problems since the dissolution of the USSR,” Alexandria: The Journal of National and International
Library and Information Issues 24, no. 1 (2013): 43–79.
U. F. Karimov, “Bibliotechnoe obrazovanie v Uzbekistane: sovremennoe sostoianie i puti refoemirovaniia,” Vestnik Bibliotechnoi Assosiatsii Evrazii 4 (2005).
D. Ganieva, “Novye tendentsii razvitiia informatsionno-bibliotechnoi deiatel’nosti v sisteme obrazovaniia Respubliki Uzbekistan,” Problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniia 4 (2011): 74–78.
S. P. Arakelov, “Deiatel’nost kafedry informatsionno-bibliotechnye sistemy TUIT v podgotovke kvalifitsirovannykh spatsialistov,” Molodoi uchenyi 3 (2016): 773–775.
F. Ruzieva, Urta Osiening qadimgi kutubkhonalari (Toshkent, Uzbekistan: Alisher Navoii nomidagi Uzbekiston Millii Kutubkhonasi, 2004).
O. Qosimova, Uzbekistonda kutubkhonachlik ishi (Toshkent, Uzbekistan: Uqituvchi, 1989), 7–8.
A “lyceum” (litsei) is a special high school under the auspices of a certain university or higher educational institution. Those who finish it successfully can directly enroll in a bachelor’s program of a university under the control of that lyceum.
A “faculty” (fakul’tet) is a structural and administrative unit of a Soviet higher education institution. A faculty consists of departments (kafedras). In English, “faculty” is generally translated as “school” in the context of higher education.
Z. Sh. Berdiyeva, Kutubxonashunoslik: Kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun o’quv qo’llanma (Toshkent, Uzbekistan: Ilm-Ziyo, 2013), 17.
Maria Haigh, “Ideology of Library and Information Science Education in Ukraine,” in the proceedings of the conference “Libraries and Information Resources in the Modern World of Science, Culture, Education, and Business,” (Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine, 2007).
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Эргашев Шариббой Туланович, & Хан Игорь Викторович (2015). Создание информационной среды на образовательном пространстве Республики Узбекистан. Образование через всю жизнь: непрерывное образование в интересах устойчивого развития, 2 (13), 52-54.
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