Current Problems of Teaching the Russian Language


  • Xodjayeva Nafisa Axmadjanovna Tashkent State Pedagogical University Department of General Linguistics Russian language teacher (in other language groups)



modernization, priority, tolerance, involvement, personality, methods, activation, imaginative thinking


The article deals with the problem of teaching foreign languages in a secondary school, which is relevant today. Questions are also raised on the development of educational materials in the Russian language, which are necessary for the development of speech activity. Recommendations are given on the organization of the educational process with ways to solve such problems as: creating comfortable psychological conditions, the ability to maintain interest in learning foreign languages, a selection of educational and methodological complexes and didactic material.


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How to Cite

Axmadjanovna, X. N. . (2022). Current Problems of Teaching the Russian Language. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 15, 129–131.


