Improving the Economic Impact of Increasing Foreign Investment in Uzbekistan in the Digital Economic Environment


  • Mirzaeva Shirin Nodirovna Assistant-teacher of the chair of Real economics, Samarkand institute of economics and service
  • Shaptakov "Economy (by industries and sectors)" MI-120 group master's student studying in the specialty
  • Karshiyeva Charos Mamasoliyevna "Economy (by industries and sectors)" Master of MI-220 group studying in the specialty



Natural conditions, minerals, reserves, labor, strength, qualifications, average work


In this article, we will focus on improving the economic aspects of increasing foreign investment in Uzbekistan in digital economic conditions, the economic essence of foreign investment and the necessity of attracting it to the economy; investment policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan; forms of attracting foreign investment to the national economy and its world experience of regulation; main directions of attraction of investments to the Republic of Uzbekistan; investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan; the opinion is expressed that Uzbekistan has a number of advantages for attracting foreign investment, in all conditions for entering the group of countries where huge foreign investments are being directed.


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How to Cite

Nodirovna , M. S. ., Shaptakov, & Mamasoliyevna , K. C. . (2022). Improving the Economic Impact of Increasing Foreign Investment in Uzbekistan in the Digital Economic Environment. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 16, 160–165.


