Monuments of Buddhism in the territory of Uzbekistan and the objective need for their use in tourism


  • B. Sadibekova Participant of innovation project "Creation of 3D models of tourmarchrutes of Buddhism monuments in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan",
  • A.Makhmudova Participant of innovation project "Creation of 3D models of tourmarchrutes of Buddhism monuments in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan",
  • S.Abdukhamidov Participant of innovation project "Creation of 3D models of tourmarchrutes of Buddhism monuments in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan",
  • A.Mukhamadiev Participant of innovation project "Creation of 3D models of tourmarchrutes of Buddhism monuments in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan",



Tourism, tourist potential, peoples of the world, representatives of different religions, types of pilgrimage, Buddhism, tourist monuments, tourist flows, archaeological finds


The article shows Buddhist monuments on the territory of Uzbekistan and the objective need for the development of tourism on their basis


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How to Cite

B. Sadibekova, A.Makhmudova, S.Abdukhamidov, & A.Mukhamadiev. (2021). Monuments of Buddhism in the territory of Uzbekistan and the objective need for their use in tourism. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 5, 143–147.


