Marketing Mix, loyalty, CustomersAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the marketing mix has on consumer loyalty at Bank SulutGo. The benefit of the research is as input for the managers/leaders of the Sulutgo bank regarding consumer loyalty which is influenced by the marketing mix as input for the wider community who are interested in banking issues. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the service product of PT. Bank SulutGo had a positive relationship to Customer Loyalty but had no significant effect. Interest rates at PT. Bank SulutGo had a positive relationship to Customer Loyalty and had a significant effect. Location of PT. Bank SULUTGo had a positive relationship and significant effect. Likewise, promotion has a positive relationship and has a significant effect on customer loyalty. Likewise, products, interest rates, locations and promotions simultaneously have a positive relationship and have a significant effect on Customer Loyalty at PT.Bank SulutGo. The correlation coefficient value is 0.692 or 69.2% which indicates that the independent variables have a strong enough effect on the dependent variable. Likewise, the coefficient of determination R Square is 0.732 or 73.2% which indicates that all independent variables simultaneously have an effect of 73.2% on the dependent variable. While the remaining 0.268 or 26.8% is influenced by other variables not tested in this study. location and promotion simultaneously have a positive relationship and have a significant effect on customer loyalty at PT.Bank SulutGo. The correlation coefficient value is 0.692 or 69.2% which indicates that the independent variables have a strong enough effect on the dependent variable. Likewise, the coefficient of determination R Square is 0.732 or 73.2% which indicates that all independent variables simultaneously have an effect of 73.2% on the dependent variable. While the remaining 0.268 or 26.8% is influenced by other variables not tested in this study. location and promotion simultaneously have a positive relationship and have a significant effect on customer loyalty at PT.Bank SulutGo. The correlation coefficient value is 0.692 or 69.2% which indicates that the independent variables have a strong enough effect on the dependent variable. Likewise, the coefficient of determination R Square is 0.732 or 73.2% which indicates that all independent variables simultaneously have an effect of 73.2% on the dependent variable. While the remaining 0.268 or 26.8% is influenced by other variables not tested in this study. 2% which indicates that the independent variables have a strong enough effect on the dependent variable. Likewise, the coefficient of determination R Square is 0.732 or 73.2% which indicates that all independent variables simultaneously have an effect of 73.2% on the dependent variable. While the remaining 0.268 or 26.8% is influenced by other variables not tested in this study. 2% which indicates that the independent variables have a strong enough effect on the dependent variable. Likewise, the coefficient of determination R Square is 0.732 or 73.2% which indicates that all independent variables simultaneously have an effect of 73.2% on the dependent variable. While the remaining 0.268 or 26.8% is influenced by other variables not tested in this study.
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