Insurance System in the Management of Social Protection of the Population Effective Use of Funds


  • H. I. Baev Tashkent State Economic University Tax and Insurance Business" Department, Professor



In the world practice social protection of the population from their nation insurance funds come due, including provisions in the effective management of the assets of the insurance company in the usa using 2 trln. dollars. Pandemiya conditions in the usa in state funds the funds of the insurance company with financial assistance from segments of the population who need to have to provide comprehensive assistance. All insurance companies in the usa and have them in all the countries in the world is a private company fililallari showing the activity obtained in the form of insurance premiums insurance investment into the u.s. economy yo'naltirmoqda. Major insurance companies in uzbekistan "Uzbekinvest", "Uzagrosugurta", "guarantee", "ALSCOM", "guarantor" and other leading insurance companies in the insurance market. Especially effective in the social insurance system were built of uzbekistan, and also help in the management of social problems and take it off, as well as being present and this has been in improving the system. Evident from the activities of the developed countries in the world are the same thing it is they have created in the social insurance system has been fulfilling an important function in addressing social problems in all stages of human development. Management of social protection of the population of the active population economic, social insurance provisions of the place of work, disabled and different risks which are associated with the loss of income from work is a form of protecting the public.


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How to Cite

Baev, H. I. . (2022). Insurance System in the Management of Social Protection of the Population Effective Use of Funds. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 19, 64–70.


