Attaining Gender Equality in Post-Conflict Society: the Inexorable Course to Sustainable Peace-Building
Gender equality, conflict, post-conflict society, gender violence, peace-buildingAbstract
Ethnic, political, historical, economic, social and gender tensions within countries, and the quest for dominance by state and non-state actors are subsumed in a quantum of deleterious consequences. Despite, rivalry among global superpowers, there is no evidence of a decline in regional disputes or in organised violence by ethnic groups, religious fundamentalists, banditry, secessionist movements or terrorists. These internal conflicts are made more complex and lethal by modern technology and communications, international collaborations and the proliferation of cheap, but destructive weapons in the hands of young people. Contemporary conflict portends aggravated vulnerability of civilians, defined along gender and age strands, where women, girls, children and the aged are the most abused, raped, widowed, discriminated, debased and dehumanised. They are despondent, subjugated, traumatised and denied access to social good, status, education, health and equal rights - the fundamentals of equitable and just society. While data are derivatives of qualitative method, strands of feminist and social action perspectives offered latitude for theoretical analysis. It is alluded in the paper that peace-building in the post-conflict era would be elusive and ephemeral if gender equality is not actualised through social investment, gender intersectionality, masculinity connectivity, criminalisation of gender discrimination and violence.
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