Samarkand Region Agroservisning Development
service and service industry, crop yield, agroservice enterprises, production efficiency, agroservice services, MTP, technical toolsAbstract
this article provides an understanding of agroservice enterprises, the dynamics of service changes in Samarkand region, the technical tools available in agroservice enterprises - MTPs, the problems and shortcomings of these enterprises, conclusions and suggestions are presented.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5853 "On approval of the strategy for the development of agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030".
Information of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan "Department of Agriculture and Ecology Statistics". January-December 2021 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Source: stat . en .
https: uza . uz / posts / resident - services - to - clarify - for - each - area - a separate - approach - necessary _329377 ? q =%2 Fposts % 2For the development of the presidential services sector, a separate approach to each region is necessary_329377
Mirzaev K.D. Methodological bases of increasing the efficiency of Agroservice services. Dissertation abstract written for the degree of Doctor of Economics. - Samarkand: SamISI, 2012. -48 p. 5. Samarkand regional government information.