Cost and Dynamics of Effective Decision Making in Organisational Setting
This conceptual and theoretical research aims to identify, define and explain types of decision making; highlights and discuss the levels of effective decision-making and apply the principles to real-life situations; illustrate with concrete examples steps in cost and dynamic of effective decision making, classify and differentiate between the different models of decision-making, name and explain the traps that affect effective decision-making in an organization setting. It attempted to conceptualize and trace the history of decision making in an organization and analyzes ways, steps and principles for effective decision making and highlights approaches to effective decision making as popularized by various scholars. The theory is that decision making is very important in an organization setting just as air is essential for living. The article concludes that a good decision is the essential impetus for organizational effectiveness and recommendation that organizations should invest enough resources in research and development to sharpen the skills required for efficient and effective decision making.
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