The Essence of Psychological Service and Its Significance in Eliminating Deviant Behavior


  • Abdukakhorova Gulnoza Abdurasulovna Senior teacher of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Educational Technologies, National Center for Training Teachers in New Methodology of Kashkadarya Region, Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Sciences



behavior, aggressive, deviant, behaviorsocial norm, behavior-adolescent, parent, family, factor, social environment, movement disorder


The relevance of the problem of deviant behavior is inextricably linked with the important scientific research carried out within the framework of a special branch of psychology - the psychology of deviant behavior. Deviant behavior is the practical aspect of human behavior that contradicts the activities of society or groups, norms, rules of behavior, ideas and attitudes, and values of society.


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How to Cite

Abdurasulovna , A. G. . (2022). The Essence of Psychological Service and Its Significance in Eliminating Deviant Behavior. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 23, 44–47.


