Principles of Organizing Investment Activities


  • Salamov Farrukh Fattoevich assistant, teacher of the department "Economic theory" Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service



conceptualism, concept, principle, crisis, recession, structural crisis, modernization, innovation, investment lending


The article discusses the methodological significance of the categories "concept" and "principles" in relation to the organization of the process of investing in the real sector of the economy. The author systematizes the content and evolution of the views of representatives of various economic schools on the process of investing in the real sector of the economy in conceptual and fundamental aspects. In view of the debatability of the problem under consideration, the author's interpretation of the categories "concept" and "principle" is substantiated in relation to the investment process.


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How to Cite

Fattoevich , S. F. . (2023). Principles of Organizing Investment Activities. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 31, 12–15.


