Econometric Modeling and Forecasting of Factors Affecting the Credit Mechanism


  • Gadoev Suhrob Jumakulovich Termiz State University, Head of the Department of Finance



commercial bank, credit, credit mechanism, model, econometric modeling, correlation coefficient, multifactor econometric model


Econometric models are widely used to solve various research problems in market economy and transition. In particular, commercial banks are effective in making rational decisions regarding the state of loans given to entities.

In this article, econometric modeling and forecasting of the factors affecting the credit mechanism is carried out and ways of their improvement are proposed.


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How to Cite

Gadoev Suhrob Jumakulovich. (2023). Econometric Modeling and Forecasting of Factors Affecting the Credit Mechanism. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 32, 20–35.


