Budget Management Concentration in the New Conditions of Economic Development


  • Zaynalov J. R. SamIES, Professor, head of “Finance” department
  • Latipova Sh. M. SamIES, associate professor of “Finance” department




reform, budget


The article discusses the significance of the ongoing reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is noted that a five percent GDP growth and a reduction in inflation to 3% will suit socially significant areas of the economy so that they are competitive and ensure growth in budget revenues at all levels, and the implementation of tasks of a strategic nature will be ensured.



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On measures to radically update state policy in the field of economic development and poverty reduction: Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 26, 2020 No. UP-5975. – Access mode: https://www.lex.uz/docs/4778531

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Fukuyama F. Strong State. Governance and world order in the 21st century [translated from English]/Francis Fukuyama. - M.: AST; AST MOSCOW: KHRANITEL, 2006, p. 32.




How to Cite

J. R., Z., & M., L. S. (2023). Budget Management Concentration in the New Conditions of Economic Development. Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability, 36, 52–55. https://doi.org/10.51699/ajdes.v36i.870


